21 May, 2010

Elections over

So I was ultimately unsuccessful. I'm a bit disappointed, it's true, but I can't argue with the results - was thoroughly slaughtered.

I hope the new Directors do a good job - I'm sure a lot of people will be watching to see what comes of this. The Arc AGM is just around the corner, including the (hopeful) creation of the Post Grad Council.

Of course, this means I'll still be able to run this blog without having to worry about concerns like conflict-of-interest. Plus, I get to keep my Arc job, which is pretty damn nice.

Win-win, I suppose.

Plus now the negotiations seriously start over the new Chair of the Board. This will be rather interesting to watch from a distance.

09 May, 2010


So every position's being contested, in the quest for Arc Board. The nominations were re-called for Cofa director, and two people applied.

James Fehon and Xavier Atkinson are both Fine Art/Arts students, one nearly finished, the other in second year. I know both of them, and really wouldn't mind which ended up as Board Director.

It's an online election, so all Arc members should receive an email-link early next week. Anyone around either campus can vote in person, either at the Library Lawn or D Block. There's some strict limits being put on campaigning - no direct campaigning on the Library Walk is the major change between this and other UNSW elections I've been involved with. So there's not going to be anything of the 'walk the person right up to the booth' business. As such, I really don't think how-to-vote cards will be of any use or value.

Meanwhile: On Arc Board, there's some campaigning going on as well. The Chair of Arc is elected by the Board, and must be a Student Director. It would be highly unlikely for a newbie Director to have the experience necessary to act as Chair, so it'll almost definitely go to one of the ongoing ones.

The three continuing Directors are Simon Bruck, Matt Ward and Jess Mobbs. Simon has apparently been telling people he isn't going for Chair, as he's nearly finished his degree. So that leaves Matt and Jess. They're both doing their best to shore up numbers from the non-student directors, but a lot will depend on exactly which new people come in.

For me, I have to say I would find it a tough choice. I admire both, and am good friends with both. It would most likely involve talking to others on Board to see where they stand on the matter.

Sydney Uni's also having its Union Board elections. I haven't been over there to check it out, but from what I've heard it's much more happening than ours. Lots of people going around in t-shirts, handing out how-to-votes, factional power-plays and all the rest.
I'm rather glad our board elections aren't anywhere near as intense.